
时间:2022-07-02 11:39:40 作文 我要投稿
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  导语:英语专业四级考试(TEM-4,Test for English Majors-Band 4),全称为全国高校英语专业四级考试。自1991年起由中国大陆教育部实行,考察全国综合性大学英语专业学生。在考试中,作文所占比例较大,其重要性不可忽视。下面是小编为大家搜集整理的英语专四作文范文,希望对你们有用!



  Is a Good Preparation Helpful for a Job Interview?

  Employment in China is getting more and more competitive these years. This is especially true as far as the college graduates are concerned. The financial crisis that started last year has made the situation even worse. In this context, a good preparation will be definitely helpful for one to succeed in a job interview. A good preparation helps greatly with a job interview. In the first place, an interviewee should be properly dressed and appear neat and tidy. Such appearance will surely impress the interviewer in a positive way, since it suggests organization and dignity. A more important preparation might be a sound knowledge of one’s target position.

  The more you understand the position, the better you are likely to fulfill your duties as required, which is perhaps the employer’s greatest concern. Therefore, before going for a job interview, an interviewee is advised to know as much about the position as possible. In doing so, preliminary ideas could be formed as to whether you are the right person to fill the shoes. Last but not least, it is absolutely necessary to study the skills for self-advertising.

  More often than not, people who are talented for the job may not necessarily possess equal talent to make their talents known. The employer would be most likely to assume that a person with good skills for self-advertising could be equally capable of advertising for his products. From the above reasoning, we could conclude that a good preparation will definitely increase the chance of success in a job interview.


  I agree that all students should be required to study art and music in high school. I’ve read that young children who study art and music in grade school do better in their other studies. That argument aside, we should study art and music for its sake alone. We should study art and music to learn more about ourselves, our culture, and our world.

  Both art and music feed students’ imaginations and help them express themselves. There’s a reason our ancestors in caves drew on the walks and make music with drums. Wanting to express ourselves is natural. It gives us an ? for our emotions and fears. It may not always be music other want to hear or art others will appreciate, but the activity itself is enjoyable. It shouldn’t matter if the end of result isn’t perfect. In the process, we learn what we like and dislike.

  Studying art and music means more than drawing or playing an instrument. Student usually go to art galleries and concerts, too. By studying the pictures on the museums walls or by reading the program notes at a recital, students will learn what society has decided is worthy of praise. They learn what is important in their own culture.

  Students may also learn about other cultures by looking at art and listening to music from other countries. When they do that ,they ‘ll see similarities and differences with their own. They’ll learn about what is important in other societies. Student will also learn how the art and music of other societies. Students will also learn how the art and music of other cultures affect our own.

  By studying art and music in high school, students begin to understand themselves as well as their own culture and other culture. What could have more value than that?


  What is your idea of a good student-teacher relationship?

  My Idea of a Good Student-Teacher Relationship

  My idea of a good student-teacher relationship would have to include a mutual respect on both sides. It is also important that a student can rely on the teacher to be fair and consistent in their relationship with the class. I do not believe that a good relationship depends on the level of social contact outside of the classroom, but it is a contributing factor.

  Sometimes, a teacher can cause acute embarrassment to a student in the classroom and that embarrassment can be felt by all the other students. Such insensitivity presents a hurdle in developing a good relationship. Inconsistency and not keeping promises are other areas which can make it difficult to have a good relationship. There is a marked difference between a teacher who is strict and always serious and one who is firm but tempered with a sense of hum our. Students usually recognise a teacher who makes a conscientious effort to help them with their studies. In conclusion, building up a good student-teacher rapport is not a one-sided exercise and it is not one that will evolve overnight. It requires time, consideration and respect on both sides. When a teacher shows interest in other activities of their students,it can have a significant impact on the student-teacher relationship.


  Nowadays, college students are required to take part in some social practice, such as being an assistant in companies, or doing surveys, especially during the holidays. Social practice is gradually becoming more essential for China’s higher education. However, social practice has both advantages and disadvantages for college students.

  On the one hand, it provides students more opportunities to contact with the real world off-campus;Besides, it helps students to grasp some practical skills, especially communication skills, which is an essential supplement to on-campus study; Moreover, social practice can widen students’ vision. On the other hand, the negative effects can not be neglected: students’ major task is learning knowledge, while curiosity about off-campus world may distract them; Sometimes social practice is even treated unseriously and becomes a waste of time;Furthermore, the students may be faced with dangers unexpectedly.

  Despite the potential negative effects of social practice, I strongly support social practice for college students, since as a whole,the benefits overwhelm the likely harm. Two heads are better than one, if students, schools, and the society join hands together, social practice can be carried out more effectively and better armed students for the society can be expected.


  Among all the important skills of human beings, social skills are regarded as the most important. In an information age, communication with others in all walks of life plays an important role. No wonder that many students are deliberately working on their social skills. Common sense has told us that those who have successful love affairs usually possess excellent social skills. They are good at promoting an easy-going relation with their partners, which naturally result in a romantic affair.

  The same is true for family life. Good social skills are essential to keep family member on good terms with each other, bringing about a happy family life. Secondly, statistics show that one’s career success depends heavily on his or her social skills. Professional skills are necessary, but without good social skills, a good teamwork is hardly imaginable, which would undoubtedly hinder the full play of professional skills. Examples are not rarely seen from people who are talented and have reached high level of academic development, but have finally come to nothing due to their poor social skills.

  In conclusion, if we are to lead a happy life and succeed in career we must improve ourselves in such social skills as the skill in communicating on a feeling level, the skill in developing and using interpersonal relations and so on.










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