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Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 5:45 PM
Subject: Say fairwell to my dear friends
Dear friends,
I hate to write this kind of letter, but if I don’t write it, it make me feel like I am escape from your guys without saying see you later.
This is a small world which is bring by the known of importance of communication. As a member of broadband access industry, we know people need to communicate and of cause, we need it also. It’s a pleasure experience to work with you and talk with you. We argue when we need consensus, we smile when we make an accordance, we work thru the night when we know other people need to sync the daily life with their friends when they met with a critical bug in our device. We play the badminton to test if we have a good health to continue the above things. This is a cycle which is going on. And my wish is making the cycle to work better. And it really will because of your excellent guys.
This is a small world because it’s proved we can meet with each other in the near future. This generation of us work globally. Maybe I can meet your guys in a great mountain. Maybe we can have a noon tea at a coffee bar in a small village. Maybe we play games in the internet and come out an oops when showing our familiar IDs. Or maybe we can drink together to talk about the three-eight things:), this world, small village as it is, who can tell me what will happen in the future.
This is big world, because we have some many different characters in many aspect. If you like to play badminton, you can find me, if you prefer swimming, you can get me if I am nearby, if you would like to chatting, get me in the msn at xxxx@hotmail.com and we can talk everything you want. If you like technology in embedded system design, we can sit together to do some research on how to implement a router which can link everybody together.
Three years pass me by and I get the most friendship from your guys. And hope your guys will have a good future and happy life.
Yours ever,
你都要走了,我还能说什么呢。 也许离开是你最好的选择,但对于我们,至少是我,很难接受。 我才刚刚准备好,想要在你的手下大干一番,却不得不接受失去将领的痛苦。 不知道为什么,当我第一眼见到你时,就觉得很熟悉,第一次对某个陌生的人有似曾相识的感觉。正因为如此,你的离开,让我觉得很难过。————太肉麻了!! 不过能认识你,真的万分高兴,人生何处不相逢,在这个小小的世界,指不定哪天我们又是同事,你还是我的Leader,或者相反J 特别喜欢问你一个比较“高深”的问题时,你眼睛突然一亮,很自信,很成着的向我们讲解,那时能感觉到你身上散发的光芒,似乎不是语言让我们懂得难题,而是你的感染力传给了我们,就在瞬间,所有问题化为乌有。和你交流,除了用舒服来形容,我找不到更贴切的词。 我不知道当我离开ZyXEL时会是什么样的心情,去大喝一场,和每个人一一告别,还静悄悄的离开?每天和大家朝夕工作,生活,时间虽短,但感情甚深,也可能是我太重感情的缘故。我知道我无法挽留你,虽然我曾经想过,但我开始为你高兴起来,你终于可以逃脱“荷芹”了,逃脱像肖申克救赎里监狱一样的宿舍,逃脱这个处于荒郊野外的高科技孤岛,你终于刑满释放了,从此踏上新的人生旅途,追求心中真正的理想和天空。我羡慕你,但更祝福你,就像祝福我自己,也会有这一天。 你走吧,留下我在这里伤感, 你走吧,留下我在这里祝福, 你走吧,留下我在这里期待,期待与你的重逢。 说了这么多,很乱,千言万语,一句话:珍重!!! 哪天想起来我这个朋友,想起今天我的这些废话,还感到有些许宽慰,请告诉我: