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  part onemechanics力学


  chapter 1 kinematics—uniformly accelerated motion运动学,匀加速运动 frame of reference: 参照系

  position vector and displacement位置向量和位移 speed

  velocity 速度

  instantaneous velocity瞬时速度 velocity components速度分量 acceleration 加速度

  graphical interpretation图像释义

  uniformly accelerated motion along a straight line 匀加速直线运动 acceleration due to gravity (g) 重力加速度 projectile problems落体问题 relative motion相对运动

  chapter 2 dynamics-- newton's laws of motion动力学 - 牛顿运动定律

  general properties of forces in mechanics:力的基本性质 1 the law of universal gravitation万有引力定律 2the weight 重量

  3 the tensile force 拉力 4 the normal force 法向力 5 the friction force 摩擦力 6 dimensional analysis三维分析

  chapter 3 equilibrium平衡

  concurrent forces共点力are forces whose lines of action all pass through a common point. the forces acting on a point object are concurrent because they all pass through the same point, the point object.

  equilibrium 平衡 rigid body刚体

  the torque (or moment) 转矩或力矩

  the two conditions for equilibrium 平衡的两个条件 the center of gravity 重心 axis轴

  chapter 4 work and energy功和能

  kinetic energy (ke) 动能 conservative force保守力

  ⑵ gravitational (weight) potential energy (peg) 重力(重量)势能 ⑵ elastic potential energy 弹性势能 the efficiency 效率

  chapter 5 impulse and momentum

  the linear momentum 冲量与动量 an impulse 冲量

  collisions and explosions碰撞和爆炸

  a perfectly elastic collision 完全弹性碰撞

  coefficient of restitution恢复系数 the center of mass重心

  chapter 6 rotation转动

  the angular speed 角速度

  the angular acceleration 角加速度 tangential 【数】切线;正切 centripetal acceleration ( )加速度 the centripetal force 向心力

  chapter 7 rigid-body rotation刚体转动

  the moment of inertia 转动惯量 parallel-axis theorem平行轴定理

  chapter 8 elasticity弹性


  the stress 【物】应力[u][c] strain 应变

  the elastic limit弹性极限

  the shear modulus切变模量

  standard atmospheric pressure标准大气压 the hydrostatic pressure静水压力 equation of continuity连续性方程 the viscosity粘度 spring弹簧

  a restoring force 恢复力

  simple harmonic motion 简谐运动 vibratory motion 振动运动

  the period ( ) 【数】循环节;周期 the frequency ( ) 频率

  the elastic potential energy 弹性势能 the simple pendulum单摆

  chapter 11 wave motion波动

  a propagating wave 波传播 wave terminology波术语 in-phase vibrations同相振动 standing waves驻波

  conditions for resonance共振的条件

  longitudinal (compressional) waves 纵向(挤压)波 chapter 12 sound声音 the intensey (i) 强度 loudness 响度 beats节拍

  doppler effect 多普勒效应 interference effects 干扰效应

  part twothermodynamics热力学

  chapter 1 the kinetic theory of gases第1章气体动力学理论

  avogadro's number ( ) 阿伏伽德罗数() the root mean square speed根均方速度 the absolute temperature绝对温度

  the mean free path (m.f.p.) 平均自由程(m.f.p.) the equipartition theorem of energy 能量均分定理 ideal gas law理想气体定律 heat 热

  the internal energy 内部能量

  an isobaric process is a process carried out at constant pressure. 等压过程是恒压进行的过程。 an isovolumic process is a process carried out at constant volume等容过程是在定容进行了过程 an isothermal process is a constant-temperature process. 等温过程,是一个恒温的过程。 an adiabatec process is one in which no heat is transferred to or from the system. 绝热过程是一个在无热量或从系统中转移到。 specific heats of gases比热气体 specific heat ratio ( )比热比() entropy熵disorder无序

  the most probable state 最概然状态

  part threeelectromagnetism电磁

  electric charge电荷

  electrostatic field静电场

  superposition principle叠加原理 equipotential surface等势面 potential gradiant电势梯度 dielectrics电介质

  electrostatic induction静电感应 capacitance电容

  parallel-plate capacitor平行板电容器 polarization极化 resistance电阻

  ammeter and voltmeter电流表和电压表 resistivity电阻率

  magnetic phenomena磁现象 the magnetic moment磁矩

  torque on a flat coil平面线圈上的扭矩 magnetic permeability磁导率

  electromagnetic induction电磁感应 inductance 电感 self-inductance 自感 mutual inductance互感 inductor电感器

  electric generators 发电机

  electric motors电机

  alternating current交流电

  the impedance ( ) . 阻抗(z)。 resonance共振

  a transformer 变压器

  part fouroptics光学

  geometrical optics几何光学

  electromagnetic radiation电磁辐射 plane mirrors平面镜 spherecal mirrors 球面镜 mirror equation镜公式 refraction折射

  index of refraction ( )折射率(n) critical angle临界角 a prisim 棱镜 thin lense薄透镜

  magnifying glass放大镜 a microscope显微镜 a telescope望远镜 interference 干涉 diffraction衍射

  coherent waves 相干波

  single-slit diffraction单缝衍射 limit of resolution 极限分辨率 diffraction grate衍射光栅 optical path length光程

  par t5 -----chapter 3 the structure of atoms原子结构













  part onemechanics力学


  chapter 1 kinematics—uniformly accelerated motion运动学,匀加速运动 frame of reference: 参照系

  position vector and displacement位置向量和位移 speed

  velocity 速度

  instantaneous velocity瞬时速度 velocity components速度分量 acceleration 加速度

  graphical interpretation图像释义

  uniformly accelerated motion along a straight line 匀加速直线运动 acceleration due to gravity (g) 重力加速度 projectile problems落体问题 relative motion相对运动

  chapter 2 dynamics-- newton's laws of motion动力学 - 牛顿运动定律

  general properties of forces in mechanics:力的基本性质 1 the law of universal gravitation万有引力定律 2the weight 重量

  3 the tensile force 拉力 4 the normal force 法向力 5 the friction force 摩擦力 6 dimensional analysis三维分析

  chapter 3 equilibrium平衡

  concurrent forces共点力are forces whose lines of action all pass through a common point. the forces acting on a point object are concurrent because they all pass through the same point, the point object.

  equilibrium 平衡 rigid body刚体

  the torque (or moment) 转矩或力矩

  the two conditions for equilibrium 平衡的两个条件 the center of gravity 重心 axis轴

  chapter 4 work and energy功和能

  kinetic energy (ke) 动能 conservative force保守力

  ⑵ gravitational (weight) potential energy (peg) 重力(重量)势能 ⑵ elastic potential energy 弹性势能 the efficiency 效率

  chapter 5 impulse and momentum

  the linear momentum 冲量与动量 an impulse 冲量

  collisions and explosions碰撞和爆炸

  a perfectly elastic collision 完全弹性碰撞

  coefficient of restitution恢复系数 the center of mass重心

  chapter 6 rotation转动

  the angular speed 角速度

  the angular acceleration 角加速度 tangential 【数】切线;正切 centripetal acceleration ( )加速度 the centripetal force 向心力

  chapter 7 rigid-body rotation刚体转动

  the moment of inertia 转动惯量 parallel-axis theorem平行轴定理

  chapter 8 elasticity弹性


  the stress 【物】应力[u][c] strain 应变

  the elastic limit弹性极限

  the shear modulus切变模量

  standard atmospheric pressure标准大气压 the hydrostatic pressure静水压力 equation of continuity连续性方程 the viscosity粘度 spring弹簧

  a restoring force 恢复力

  simple harmonic motion 简谐运动 vibratory motion 振动运动

  the period ( ) 【数】循环节;周期 the frequency ( ) 频率

  the elastic potential energy 弹性势能 the simple pendulum单摆

  chapter 11 wave motion波动

  a propagating wave 波传播 wave terminology波术语 in-phase vibrations同相振动 standing waves驻波

  conditions for resonance共振的条件

  longitudinal (compressional) waves 纵向(挤压)波 chapter 12 sound声音 the intensey (i) 强度 loudness 响度 beats节拍

  doppler effect 多普勒效应 interference effects 干扰效应

  part twothermodynamics热力学

  chapter 1 the kinetic theory of gases第1章气体动力学理论

  avogadro's number ( ) 阿伏伽德罗数() the root mean square speed根均方速度 the absolute temperature绝对温度

  the mean free path (m.f.p.) 平均自由程(m.f.p.) the equipartition theorem of energy 能量均分定理 ideal gas law理想气体定律 heat 热

  the internal energy 内部能量

  an isobaric process is a process carried out at constant pressure. 等压过程是恒压进行的过程。 an isovolumic process is a process carried out at constant volume等容过程是在定容进行了过程 an isothermal process is a constant-temperature process. 等温过程,是一个恒温的过程。 an adiabatec process is one in which no heat is transferred to or from the system. 绝热过程是一个在无热量或从系统中转移到。 specific heats of gases比热气体 specific heat ratio ( )比热比() entropy熵disorder无序

  the most probable state 最概然状态

  part threeelectromagnetism电磁

  electric charge电荷

  electrostatic field静电场

  superposition principle叠加原理 equipotential surface等势面 potential gradiant电势梯度 dielectrics电介质

  electrostatic induction静电感应 capacitance电容

  parallel-plate capacitor平行板电容器 polarization极化 resistance电阻

  ammeter and voltmeter电流表和电压表 resistivity电阻率

  magnetic phenomena磁现象 the magnetic moment磁矩

  torque on a flat coil平面线圈上的扭矩 magnetic permeability磁导率

  electromagnetic induction电磁感应 inductance 电感 self-inductance 自感 mutual inductance互感 inductor电感器

  electric generators 发电机

  electric motors电机

  alternating current交流电

  the impedance ( ) . 阻抗(z)。 resonance共振

  a transformer 变压器

  part fouroptics光学

  geometrical optics几何光学

  electromagnetic radiation电磁辐射 plane mirrors平面镜 spherecal mirrors 球面镜 mirror equation镜公式 refraction折射

  index of refraction ( )折射率(n) critical angle临界角 a prisim 棱镜 thin lense薄透镜

  magnifying glass放大镜 a microscope显微镜 a telescope望远镜 interference 干涉 diffraction衍射

  coherent waves 相干波

  single-slit diffraction单缝衍射 limit of resolution 极限分辨率 diffraction grate衍射光栅 optical path length光程

  par t5 -----chapter 3 the structure of atoms原子结构










