
时间:2024-03-03 07:11:40 摄影 我要投稿
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  Once I want to be a wandering minstrel, just I want to be a wandering the photographer.

  2 、上帝也一定是个摄影爱好者,他在创世的第一天就说:要有光。

  God also must be a photographer, he said on the first day of creation: let there be light.


  I like photography, I to live is to take pictures. I never want to retire in the photography business.

  4 、我们每个人都像是一部高清超速摄影机,记录着生活,讲述着你我。

  We all like a speeding high-definition cameras, recording the life, about you and me.

  5 、风景摄影是一种跋涉、一种追逐、一种人类独有的迁徙到美的视野的冲动。

  Landscape photography is a journey, a kind of pursuit, a uniquely human migration to the impulse of the vision of beauty.

  6 、一个摄影师的改变,源自于自我的一种积极进取,而不是等待别人帮到你。

  The change of a photographer, derived from the ego a positive, rather than waiting for others to help you.

  7 、摄影中,看似无关痛痒的元素,也可作为形式感的补充,让画面添加一份形式感。

  Photography, seemingly innocuous element, also can be used to supplement the sense of form, make the picture to add a sense of form.

  8 、一个人永远走不出童年的影响。我的摄影之路,最初是在寻觅儿时记忆里的环境和人。

  A man will never go out of his childhood. My photography, the first is looking for a childhood memory of the environment and people.


  Young to capricious, go out to enjoy, love is like driving through. Have a good sightseeing, photography, with his own hands hug strange figure.

  1 0 、人生的遭遇,大半是片段的欢乐换来终身的不安;摄影,却是片刻的不欢带来终身的快乐。

  Encounter in life, most of the pieces of joy for life is uneasy; With photography, is a moment not huan lifetime happiness.

  1 1、摄影是一个工具,用来处理大家都知道但视而不见的事物。我的照片是要表现你看不见的事物。

  Photography is a tool that is used to deal with things but turn a blind eye is known to all. My picture is to show the things you can't see.

  1 2、我们一起看电影,一起旅行,哪怕不会摄影,也坚持用相机替代自己的眼睛给你留下最美好的回忆。

  We see a movie together, travel together, even if not photography, also insist on a camera to replace my eyes leave the best memories for you.

  1 3、我不再奢求能拥有你,我只想陪伴你,就像旁观者,就像歌颂者,就像摄影师。就好像我们还在一起。

  I just don't want to have you, I just want to accompany you, like a bystander, like singing, like a photographer. As if we are together.

  1 4、当你开始学会把说话变成一种推销图片的资本时,你一定能发现其实成功并不像人们所想的那样艰难。

  When you begin to learn to speak into a marketing image of capital, you will find in fact, success is not as difficult as people think.

  1 5、西方的纪念馆如今几乎清一色都是视觉的。摄影对我们回忆事件的哪些方面具有不可抑制的决定性力量。

  Now almost all western memorial is visual. Photographic memory to us which aspects of the event has a quenchless decisive force.

  1 6、喜欢摄影时的置身世外,喜欢旅行的放空自己,喜欢沉迷小说的没有自我,说到底,我只是讨厌被束缚的自己。

  Like photography at somewhere else, like travel itself, like to indulge novel without self, at the end of the day, I just hate being bound.

  1 7、文字、绘画、摄影,它们涵盖在纹理深处的情绪,仅是你意欲表达的意向和需要呈现的质地,却未必是内心真正抵达的部分。

  Writing, painting, photography, mood they cover in the depth of the texture, and is only intended to convey the intention and you need to present the quality of a material, but is not necessarily true inner part arrived.