
时间:2024-06-11 11:25:46 申请书 我要投稿

















  Dear Professor Zhiyong Lan:

  My name is Lan Xi, a Ph.D. candidate studying Land Resource Management inCollege of Public Management, China University of Geosciences. I intend to spendone year of my doctor years in ASU School of Public Affairs by the end ofSeptember 20x for a Ph.D. Mobility Program which I can acquire more knowledgeabout international policy of land management.

  The land resource management is really an important major in ChineseUniversity. It’s a subject of applied science which is combined both land policyand planning of land, and it helps the government to optimize the distributionof land resources. I’ve been studying the land resource management at least 7years since 20x when I was a college student, and I also love this major for 7years.

  I’ve read about your papers about land policy published on some magazines,and I can feel your abundant knowledge and lofty personality in words. Moreover,your altitude about sustainable development affects me a lot. As myself, it’s sothankful for my 7 years studying of land resource management and 5 moreprojects. It makes me become an accomplished and experienced person. And I’msure I can help you and your team with some land projects.

  I really want to join your team to learn more about the land resourcemanagement and exchange the experience. And I would greatly appreciate it if youcould send me more information about the application at your earliestconvenient.


























  Letters of recommendation are a very important part of the application process. As colleges become more and more sought out from the increasing number of applicants each year, the need to stand out from the competition is also increasing. Below we will provide helpful information on how to write a college recommendation as well as advice for tailoring each letter.

  A high school transcript can help tell an admissions office a lot about a candidate, but a college recommendation letter provides an opportunity for them to see the whole person. While recommendation letters are never a bad idea to include in the application, even if the college does not require one, many colleges do necessitate the inclusion of one. Here is some advice to keep in mind when writing a college recommendation letter:

  Know the candidate - it may sound obvious, but it is important that you know the candidate well. After all, how can you write a college recommendation letter for a someone you know little about? Recommendations written for candidates with a vague familiarity are often identifiable and can do more harm than good.

  How you know the candidate - when you write a college recommendation letter, make sure to include how you know the candidate as well as the length of time you have known that person.

  Provide relevant information - be sure to find out the purpose of the recommendation so as to provide relevant information about the candidate and his or her specific qualifications. If the recommendation is to supplement an application, discuss how that person is an appropriate candidate for the college he or she is applying to. Despite its purpose, however, the overall goal of a college recommendation letter is to attest to the capabilities and character of the candidate.

  Obtain a rsum - another tip on how to write a collage recommendation letter is to first obtain the student's rsum with a listing of his or her GPA, activities, awards, leadership roles, community service, employment experience and special skills. The more information you have about a particular candidate, the more constructive your recommendation can be.

  Personalize the letter - to help make the letter more personal, before writing a college recommendation letter, it is important to determine the person to whom the letter should be addressed. If the student is unaware of the name, the letter may begin "Dear Selection Committee."

  Proofread the letter - one of the most important tips on how to write a college recommendation letter is making sure to proofread it when finished. A letter containing grammatical errors will appear unprofessional and may leave a negative impression.

  Mailing the letter - establish with the student whether the recommendation letter must be mailed in an official envelope from your institution, or if it can be included with the application. If it is to accompany the application, return the letter to the candidate in a sealed envelope.

  Determine the deadline - double-check with the student as to the deadline of the college recommendation letter. Ideally, you will be given an adequate amount of time to complete a positive, detailed letter, however, the most important detail is that it is received before the application deadline.

  Save the letter - when you have finished writing a recommendation, be sure to save it in order to help make writing the next college recommendation letter easier. The student will likely be applying to more than one school and may ask that you write a separate recommendation for each one. Although it is important that each letter is tailored to the application at hand, select information can be recycled for multiple letters. It is more convenient to tailor the original passage than to repetitively recollect the advice on how to write a college recommendation.

  What Colleges Really Want

  Colleges place a large emphasis on a student's academic ability because what is accomplished in high school is the strongest predictor of their academic success in college. What colleges really want, however, is a win-win situation. They want to admit students who will thrive at their institution, not only for the student's benefit, but for their own as well. As more and more students become college-bound, colleges and universities will become increasingly selective, placing more emphasis on the ability to know how to write a college recommendation letter.

  As a teacher, counselor, employer or personal acquaintance of a college-bound teen, you may at some point receive a request for help in writing a college recommendation letter. These students are not only placing their trust in you, they are putting you in the unique position to make an impact on whether or not they are admitted to their college of choice. Following this advice on how to write a college recommendation will help to ensure a professional letter and give your candidate a greater likelihood of being accepted into his or her college of choice.

  College-Bound Student Information

  CollegeView offers an extensive amount of valuable information and resources for the college-bound student. Please follow these links to discover how our publishings can help you in your choice for an educational pathway






  All I know about leadership I learned from . . . What items could a person use to describe leadership qualities? Inspired by the student council advisors at my high school. Student council was a big part of my life in high school. I have participated in it since my frst year of high school. When I frst joined,I was quiet,na?ve,and unwilling to participate in many activities. I was scared to meet new people and afraid to apply myself. This all began to change. Half way through my frst year in student council,one of the advisors can up to me and asked why I did not participate that much. I did not have an answer for her and did not know how to respond. After this,I began to think of an answer. I became frustrated and decided to change. I started to show up at events and had a great time. I realized I loved this and wanted to start leading these activities. In my sophomore,junior,and now my senior year of high school,I asserted myself and took on a strong leadership role in student council. I did not fgure out the answer to why I was so reserved until this year with the help of this question. When I looked up leadership in the dictionary,it said that it was the capacity to lead and the act or instance of leading. These are two very broad defnitions of leadership. Many people have different notions of what this word actually means. When I was challenged to use different items to describe what leadership actually is,I thought this was going to be a hard and obnoxious task. What could I learn from comparing leadership to a stuffed animal or a rubber chicken? But when I sat down to come up with a couple of answers,I realized that leadership could be compared to almost anything a person wants. All I know about leadership I learned from a calculator. A calculator can add everything together to come up with the best answer. It can delet e what is unnecessary and only include what is important. It can solve any type of problem. These are all important equalities a leader has to have. A leader has to be able to add all of the ideas together to make the best possible plan. Leaders have to know how to decipher the good and the bad out of an idea. They have to be versatile and know how to deal with different types of issues. All I know about leadership I learned from a ball. A ball is able to bounce back up after it is dropped. It is round and has no creases. A ball can be thrown back and forth to different people. All of these qualities are also leadership qualities. A leader has to be ready for every situation that is thrown at him or her. He or she has to be able to bounce back from any setbacks and never dwell on the past. Leaders have to exhibit many qualities and never be closed-minded about a situation. A leader must be able to delegate when he or she cannot get the work done. They have to trust everyone they lead to be able to catch the ball and keep a project rolling.

  This activity made me realize that being a leader is so much more than just having authority and having the ability to take control of a situation. A leader has to be trusting of all the people he or she leads and,leaders must be able to combine ideas into one encompassing idea. They cannot sit in the background and watch events happen; they have to jump in and be involved. They should not delegate all their responsibilities away. Leadership is more than what the dictionary says it is. I learned through all of this that I have many of these qualities. I have the ability to solve problems,lead through adversity,and be versatile. From answering this question,I realized that I could lead effectively,even if my leadership style is different from other individuals. When I joined student council in my frst year of high school,I did not have these qualities because I was never put into a situation where I had to lead. I was too reserved to try. When I tried,I learned that I could succeed in this. I did not realize until I answered this question about leadership. I was never able to see that being a leader is not just about taking control of a group and telling everyone what to do. When I was a freshman,I thought leadership was this. I did not know that did not have to be forceful and strict. I stereotyped a leader then. Thisis where I went wrong. A leader is about being yourself and never letting anyone change you. I thought I had to change to be a good leaderOnly when I expanded my comfort zone did I realize this was not trueIt only took three years and a silly question/game to fgure this out.




















  Applied Program:Organizational Behavior

  I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In thepast,I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and thecorporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that thereis a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of theirorganizations,depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs),large multinational firms,or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. Onesimple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independentlywithout direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations,acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towardsthe supervisor,who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience andresearch,such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with theemployees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.

  In contrast,foreign enterprises tend to welcome employees who have theability to make decisions on their own,though the extent to which this is truedepends on whether the supervisor is a local Chinese or an expatriate. Theseorganizat Applied Program:Organizational Behavior

  The purpose behind this personal statement is to not only gain admission toyour well-established and highly respected Ph.D. program,but to impress uponyou my passion for learning and my tremendous desire to succeed in bothscholastic research and in teaching on the professional level. I have based mydecision to pursue an academic career not on purely practical reasons,butrather on my own natural interests and aptitude. My personal philosophy is thatmoney and social status should not be pursued as life-consuming objectives andthat in actuality they are the by-products of goals originating from one's innerneeds. I understand that my intellectual capacity is a gift,and I intend to usethis gift to the very best of my substantial capabilities.

  I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In thepast,I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and thecorporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that thereis a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of theirorganizations,depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs),large multinational firms,or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. Onesimple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independentlywithout direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations,acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towardsthe supervisor,who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience andresearch,such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with theemployees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.

























  Dear ,My name is Lin Hao, from Northeast China---Heilongjiang Province. The long-term and cold climate has allowed me to develop a tough and tenacious character in the course of my life. In 20 years, I was admitted to China with excellent results. Jilin University, a prestigious university, is currently studying for a bachelor#39;s degree in economics majoring in international economics and trade, and a second degree in futures investment and management major in the same period. My university is a comprehensive university with a very complete range of disciplines. My university life has not only enabled me to develop a comprehensive and three-dimensional development in learning methods and professional knowledge, but more importantly, it has improved my ability to integrate knowledge of various disciplines. At the same time, it greatly increased my desire for knowledge. Therefore, I decided to study in the UK after graduation. Through understanding, I currently hope to apply for a University major.

  Family is very important to everyone, because it is the first classroom for us to receive education. My grandfather was a banker, my father was a businessman, and my mother was a statistician. Their words and deeds to me played an extremely important role in the establishment and development of my outlook on life and values, and also helped me. Established an honest, hardworking, and never-say-fail character. So influenced by them, I am very interested in finance disciplines. My family is the most important asset in my life. It gives me the interest in learning this subject and the character of going forward courageously.

  Through the learning of professional knowledge, I have developed a strong interest in economics and finance. I read Life Economics by Dr. David Friedman. In the book, he used easy-to-understand cases. Combining the misty principles of economics with people's ordinary life has enabled me to master the economic principles that most people find boring, and the learning methods in real life. At the same time, I have a good understanding of Fried Dr. Man developed a feeling of worship. In the same year, I read his masterpiece Price Theory again. Through the study of this book, I became obsessed with knowledge of currency and finance. Due to the strong desire for knowledge, I started to minor in the second degree Futures Investment and Management. During this period, I met a mentor, Professor Lu, a very famous scholar in China#39;s futures industry. Professor Lu combines the theory and practice of the futures market, and combines the true meaning of life with the operation of the futures market, which is regarded as a casino by outsiders, and teaches us the knowledge of the futures market and economic investment. This teaching method is in line with my learning habits, so I quickly entered the state. We often discuss the development of China's futures industry and the price fluctuations of the world futures market together. In the autumn of 20xx, I was invited to assist him in completing the China Financial Futures Research work on the Enlightenment of the Japanese Yen Development Route to the Development of China#39;s Renminbi in the Market Establishment project. Because of his outstanding performance, he won the appreciation of Professor Lu.

  In addition to studying professional knowledge, in my spare time, I also established the first leukemia volunteer organization in Jilin Province and served as the chairman. Helped 10 children with leukemia from poor families in the form of voluntary activities. Every year, they held lectures on leukemia knowledge at Jilin University, as well as volunteer registration activities for the Chinese bone marrow bank (Chinese hematopoietic stem cell bank), and blood sample extraction activities. In the past three years, the association has been Under my leadership, we have made considerable progress and achieved outstanding results. Many media have reported on our activities. On the website of 社 on October 25, 20, we also reported on our activities. In addition, my deeds were also reported to the famous Chinese student magazine East, West, South, North and University Students Issue 03 of the year 20. These honors fully prove the affirmation of my work by the society and the school. Now, one of every 150 volunteers in the Chinese bone marrow bank is developed by my association. The association has also been awarded the title of Jilin University Boutique Association for three consecutive years. I was also named the first Moving Ji University of Jilin University. The title of top ten college students, and at the same time, through the establishment of a volunteer association, not only enabled me to realize the value of life, but also exercised my organizational skills, which greatly improved my personal quality. In addition, I also like sports very much. I am good at sprinting, football, etc. Young, I should be full of vitality.

  In the summer of 20, as a student representative of Jilin University, I visited a famous university. As a Chinese representative, I participated in more than ten student exchange activities, and as a cultural messenger, I spread Chinese traditions and modern culture to the students, and through the visit, I learned some culture and visited their education system. In the process, I was deeply moved by the university#39;s advanced teaching mode and strong scientific research capabilities. Compared with my own school, although we have developed rapidly, there is still a gap between the world#39;s top education. This feeling inspired my enthusiasm for learning. After returning to my country, I decided to use my own strength to make my own contribution to the development of my motherland. This is also an important reason why I applied to your school, because as a The responsibility of the Chinese is to use the advanced knowledge I learned overseas to build my motherland.

  Practice, firm, and hardworking is the fine tradition I inherited, and it is also my life creed. Facing the imminent graduation from university, a strong thirst for knowledge and a passion for professional knowledge, I decided to continue my professional study and accept the rigorous teaching, cutting-edge research and new ways of thinking in the university, so as to enrich myself and realize myself I also hope that I can become the messenger of the culture of the two countries. Thank you for your attention and look forward to your reply!

  Yours sincerely



























Dear XX,

  A Chinese graduate student of composite materials, I would like to pursuePh. D. studies in a program in which I can do advanced inter-disciplinaryresearch that is built upon my expertise in both chemical engineering andcomposite materials. I find that your program is one of the few where suchresearch is possible.

  I am due to complete my Master's studies next year at the Beijing Instituteof Light Industry, a well-respected higher-learning institution that has servedas a major cradle of engineering talents for light industries in this country.Majoring in structural mechanics of composites, I have focused my studies onhoneycomb sandwich and its applications for civilian purposes. Although I didnot take many of the traditional undergraduate courses in this field, mygraduate studies have proceeded well. Building on my extensive workingexperience with all kinds of materials, I have completed a host of projects, aslisted in the Appendix, that are not only technologically advanced but alsocommercially profitable. My research has been highly commended by theschool.

  To accomplish what I have accomplished, I have had to be more intelligentand overcome more difficulties than most of my classmates, for I did not get toreceive a regular undergraduate education. Although I performed strongly in the1988 National University Entrance Examinations and met the requirements foruniversity acceptance, I did not craft a good enough strategy in applying to theuniversities. As a result, my application fell through cracks, leaving me onlythe opportunity to study in a two-year college program, not to be discouraged bythis mishap, I studied with diligence and creativity, and succeeded in firmlygrounding myself in the studies of material propensities and structures. When Icompleted that program, I was as capable as most graduates from the honorsprogram in handling practical material problems from the angle of chemistry.

  Upon graduation in 1990,I first took up the job of an assistant engineer ina biochemistry pharmaceutical manufacturer, where I was in charge of thedevelopment and analysis of several lines of products. I was given theresponsibility for VD Calcium Tablet in the first two weeks, as I demonstratedthat I was able to do independent research, particularly in terms ofquantitative analysis and microbiology inspection, from five raw materials tosemi-made and finished products. As my talents showed up, I took charge of theproduction and inspection of more and more products. Towards the end of 1991, Iwas awarded the honor of Excellent Employee in the factory of almost twothousand people in recognition of my contribution to its business.

  Armed with the ability to quickly grasp the essence of new things, I madeeven more contribution to my second employer, a Joint-Venture Company ofcosmetics. In this company, In the first two months after I was hired, Iestablished, with reference to both the ISO and national standards,. Thecompany's standards of packaging materials for 35 different products fromcorrugated box to paper lid, from glass bottle to plastic cover. During thefirst half year, I turned myself from just a user of cosmetics to qualityengineer of cosmetic actively engaged in R. & D. Three new products (ElyseeVitamin E Cream, Elysee Tonique and Elysee Lipbalm) I helped to develop wererecognized as Provincial Scientific Achievements, for which I was conferredthree certificates of Honor. I believe that when one embarks on a new career, heshould be quick in accepting changes even though he must still stick to his oldprinciples.

  In these six years of working experience, I greatly improved myself interms of technological expertise. I made chemical and microbiologicalexaminations of different drugs skillfully and independently, successfullydeveloped several new types of cosmetics, some of which merited the designationof Provincial Scientific Achievements. But more importantly, I learned to askmore sophisticated questions and then answer them.

  The years of being an engineer has taught me how to be a person. I learnedto be both a team leader and a team player. Working in conjunction with others,I have always held onto the principle of being honest, modest and helpful toothers, whether I was just a technician, an engineer or even the assistant tothe general manager. I enjoy working with other people. I have been well likedby my colleagues. At the farewell parties for me, some of my friends were soreluctant to say goodbye to me that they would burst into tears.

  While working for the Chinese factory, I was once "borrowed" by a collegeto teach there as an adjunct instructor for half a year. During those months, Ioften worked late to check students' work and prepare for the next day'sclasses. I believe that this teaching experience will serve me well should yoube able to offer me the position of a teaching assistant.

  At the graduate school, I have met new challenges the old way. I firstacquired a profound understanding of the basic concepts and theories ofmechanics (theoretical and material ones), and then applied the fundamentals tomy major: composites. As you can see from the from the transcripts of academicrecord, this approach paid off. My first academic article Honeycomb SandwichComposite will be published in the second edition of the Journal of BeijingInstitute of Light Industry of 1998. Now I am writing my Master's Degree thesis,in which I shall compare the mechanical properties of corrugated cores andhoneycomb cores, analyze the outstanding characters of the latter, establish thestandards of civil-use honeycomb fiberboard, and consider the marketing futureof honeycomb fiberboard.

  I am confident that the combination of my extensive working experience andmy solid academic training has adequately prepared me for advanced studies in mychosen field of specialty in your distinguished program. To undertake suchstudies, I have learned English well, so well that I was appointed first theEnglish secretary to the factory's director and then the assistant to thejoint-venture's general manager. In these positions, I dealt with internationalvisitors and handled English documents. Such English proficiency should prove agreat advantage to me once I am enrolled in your program.

  Although I am now focusing my academic interests on composite materials,you may find that I may be more suitable for other majors. If so, I wouldgreatly appreciate it if you could advise me accordingly.

  The following is a list of the research work I have undertaken under theguidance of my advisor (mostly in the area of industrial applications ofcomposites): (从略)

  Yours sincerely,










  Dear XX,My interest in Psychology and social science is the motivation for meapplying to study Psychology and Criminology. Psychology is my favourite subjectand I have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the A-Level course.

  In addition to Psychology I have also studied Sociology, Photography andFilm Studies. Studying Psychology has given me a more in-depth understanding ofhuman behaviour and interaction, which I can relate into everyday life. StudyingSociology has enhanced my understanding of the society we live in and how itfunctions. These subjects have demanded commitment and time management and haveimproved my comprehension and analytical skills.

  Participation in clubs and work placements has enabled me to develop keycharacter attributes. When on work experience at a junior school I was able toadvance my communicative skills, this allowed me to teach children to read andto express themselves using paragraphs and grammar correctly. Whilst working asa Recreation Assistant I have become more confident with working around bothadults and children; I have learnt valuable people and observational skills. Afew years ago I joined St John Cadets where I have learnt first aid ough structured interviews and presentations I was chosen to represent NorthEast Wales to compete for cadet of the year. I am also a black belt in karateand have helped others improve their technique.

  I have enjoyed an active role in school life. Whilst at ______ School I wasappointed as Prefect and I was nominated by my peers to act as Form Captain. Asa result I was trusted to voice the beliefs of my peers and hence I havedeveloped key people skills. In addition, I have helped to organise sports day,the harvest festival and school open days.

  In my spare time I enjoy reading; my favourite books include: ‘The CuriousIncident of the dog in the Night time’, books by Dan Brown and ‘Harry Potter’. Ialso enjoy swimming, going to my local gym, walking and socialising.

  The career I am hoping to go into once I’ve finished the course would be tojoin the police force or within prison’s as a forensic psychologist. I am veryinterested in helping reform criminals whilst inside prison and on parole andhave always been interested to find out how the criminal mind works and why theycommitted the crime. This course will lead me into this career and open up manyopportunities to work with and help criminals.

  I believe that university will provide me with the opportunity to developas a person. I am hard working, intellectually curious and determined to besuccessful. I look forward to the new experiences and opportunities, universitywill provide me with and guarantee to participate whenever possible.

  Yours sincerely,XX



出国留学 申请书07-12







