
时间:2024-07-29 07:16:46 电影 我要投稿
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  In 1950, when these brave soldiers were immersed in the good news of the founding of new China, the news that they needed to step into the smoke filled battlefield again came to their ears. What kind of mood did these martyrs hold to step into a foreign country? Enduring the cold, holding a rifle, willing to turn into ice sculpture in the cold wind, but also unwilling to shrink back. This extremely great and optimistic spirit and this selfless dedication all come from the martyrs' love for new China and their vision and desire for a better life in the future! In order to safeguard the national dignity, the security of new China, the national dignity and the long-term happy life of the Chinese people, the soldiers did not hesitate to go through fire and water.

  Lu You, a humble man, dare not forget to worry about his country. Lin Zexu, who wants to benefit the country like life and death, does he avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings? Zhou Enlai studied for the rise of China. From ancient times to now, these vivid portrayals of patriotism show that patriotism is the invariable original intention and mission of our Chinese children, and inspire our Chinese children from generation to generation to make unremitting efforts for the prosperity of the motherland. No country, no home, no country. Between home and country, seemingly contradictory, actually unified. Compared with the family, the nation is a larger ^v^community and aeveryone composed of manysmall families. As Party members and cadres in the new era, we should turn patriotism and serving the country into practical actions to strengthen the country, practice the purpose of Communists serving the people, take the state that we will have no self and live up to the people, bear in mind that national interests are above all else, use our lives and sweat to defend the dignity of our country and the people, and safeguard the fundamental interests of the country. We should draw strength from the spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, Take patriotism as a compulsory course in your life, forge ahead around your original heart and mission, defy difficulties and hardships, take root in the places where the motherland and the people need it most, experience yourself, promote your style of stressing politics, faith, rules, discipline, morality, conduct, dedication and achievement, and strive to promote the great cause of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


  The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea is the founding war of the people's Republic of China! From 1840 to 1945, the history of more than 100 years was either invaded by the Eight Power Allied forces or by the Japanese devils. How many billion taels of silver have been taken away, how many treasures have been plundered, and how many creatures have been burned? It was the victory of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea that gave China today's status. The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea ensured China's 70 year peace. After the founding of new China, no major powers took new China in their eyes, even the defeated little Japan did not take China in their eyes, but the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea made Japan look at New China with new eyes.

  The Korean War also played a deterrent role. During the period of the most serious Sino Soviet friendship, millions of soldiers on the Soviet border dared not act rashly. China ended the Soviet Union's last fantasy with two secret underground nuclear tests. Until the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, no Soviet leader dared to compete with the Chinese army in a frontal war.

  After 1840, we were defeated repeatedly, and after 1949, we were invincible. The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea is not only a war, but also a spirit. That spirit is a self-confident spirit of not believing in evil, not believing in God and not afraid of ghosts. It is a heroic spirit of not fearing violence and daring to light a sword. It shows that the seemingly ferocious US imperialism is not terrible. It is indeed a paper tiger. Since then, the Chinese have no longer been afraid of any army of any country on earth.

  All history is contemporary history. In the current international situation, we must not forget the words of the founding leader: imperialism will never die to kill us! It is the sacred duty and glorious mission of every Chinese citizen to protect the country!

  As far as China US relations are concerned, this commemorative medal is issued at the right time! This is a strong signal to all anti china forces headed by the United States and ready to move: the United States must treat us as enemies and we must be qualified enemies.


  In the film, the man named Lei Gong left a deep impression on me. Lei Gong was the oldest person in the company. When he attacked the polar bear team in Changjin lake, in order to prevent the company from suffering more casualties, Lei Gong took the enemy's identification bomb into the car and opened the car. Then the enemy planes in the sky bombed him in turn. He protected the lives of his comrades in arms with his own life. At that moment, I had only reverence in my heart!

  Wu Wanli is the younger brother of company commander Wu Qianli. He joined the army without telling his parents. When the military commander asked him why he wanted to join the army, his words moved me. 50000 Li said angrily: because foreign countries want to invade our territory, and the land just divided by our family, we can't let this inch of land be lost or reduced to foreign hands. At that moment, I understood more deeply what is the realsafeguarding the country - there is a country, there is a home.

  As the protagonist of the film, the image of company commander Wu Qianli is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When talking about the war, he said meaningfully: if we don't fight this war, the next generation will fight this war. At that moment, I really realized that our peace was hard won.

  It should not be forgotten that during the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, martyr Mao anying sacrificed his life to protect important documents. Martyr Yang Gensi died with the enemy. Martyr Qiu Shaoyun would rather be burned than expose the target. Martyr Huang Jiguang sacrificed his life to block the eye... It can not be forgotten that the ice sculpture company completed its task. In the cold, the soldiers became ice sculptures one after another, but still held steel guns, Look into the distance

  Yes, it is the revolutionary martyrs who, with their indomitable spirit, tenacious will, precious lives and victories, have won today's beautiful life for us.

  Sitting in the bright classroom, listening to the history teacher explaining the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, I unconsciously straightened my body









