
时间:2024-07-24 19:10:26 金磊 职场 我要投稿
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  总账会计工作内容英文版 1

  1. Responsible for the overall work of finance, warehouse, and office, organizing personnel to fully complete various tasks within their scope of responsibilities;

  2. Maintain close communication with production and other departments, and strengthen collaboration and cooperation with relevant departments;

  3. Responsible for organizing the formulation, modification, supplementation, and implementation of the companys financial management system, accounting cost accounting procedures, cost management accounting supervision, and related financial special management systems;

  4. Responsible for organizing the companys cost management work. Conduct cost forecasting, control, accounting, analysis, and assessment to reduce consumption, save costs, improve profitability, and ensure the completion of the companys profit targets;

  5. Organize assessment and analysis of the companys operating results, propose feasible suggestions and measures;

  6. Responsible for reporting financial status and operating results to the general manager. Regularly or irregularly report on various financial income, expenditure, and profit/loss situations to enable leaders to make timely decisions;

  7. Complete other work tasks assigned by the leader.

  总账会计工作内容英文版 2

  1. Monthly and annual closing, preparation of various financial statements, and analysis reports;

  2. Familiar with investment projects and engaged in relevant investment analysis work;

  3. Familiar with financial professional knowledge and national financial and tax regulations, able to master comprehensive accounting processing, proficient in using financial software, proficient in EXCEL;

  4. Bachelors degree in finance, accounting, finance, and investment, with intermediate professional title of accountant, and experience as a general ledger accountant is preferred;

  5. Proficient in handling procedural affairs, with good learning ability, independent work ability, and financial analysis ability;

  6. Diligent in work, strong sense of responsibility, excellent organizational coordination, communication skills, and teamwork abilities.

  总账会计工作内容英文版 3

  1. Responsible for reviewing employee reimbursement expenses, preparing vouchers, and recording them in the account;

  2. Regularly verify and clean up various subjects;

  3. Timely prepare various financial statements in accordance with the requirements of the company and relevant government departments and submit them to the relevant departments;

  4. Accurately accrue various taxes at the end of the month and pay various taxes on time within the declaration period;

  5. Organize, archive, and safeguard accounting documents such as vouchers, books, and reports;

  6. Relevant government subsidy applications and follow-up;

  总账会计工作内容英文版 4

  1. Responsible for the overall accounting processing of general taxpayers;

  2. Responsible for tax calculation, tax declaration, invoice procurement, and handling general tax exceptions;

  3. Responsible for reviewing employee reimbursement expenses, preparing vouchers, and recording them in the account;

  4. Carry out the collection and safekeeping of accounting vouchers and accounting archives;

  5. Cooperate with related departments to provide and submit financial data and information to external parties;

  6. Other temporary tasks arranged by superiors.

  总账会计工作内容英文版 5

  1. Fully manage the companys financial accounts, including daily financial accounting and preparation of accounting vouchers;

  2. Verify related transactions and settle at the end of the month;

  3. Project cost accounting;

  4. Reasonably control expenses in accordance with cost management regulations;

  5. Coordinate external audits and provide necessary financial and accounting information;

  6. Timely tax declaration and payment, handle tax reduction and exemption application matters, handle relevant enterprise tax change registration matters, and be responsible for maintaining good relationships with relevant departments such as finance and taxation.

  7. Seriously complete other work tasks assigned by superiors.

  总账会计工作内容英文版 6

  1. According to the Enterprise Accounting Standards and the companys accounting requirements, effectively organize and implement the companys accounting, review the legality, standardization, accounting treatment, and monthly settlement of accounting documents such as general ledger and fixed assets, and ensure the accuracy and timeliness of its accounting;

  2. Responsible for improving and promoting financial systems and processes related to general ledger accounting and asset management, identifying new businesses in a timely manner, and coordinating the implementation of relevant accounting treatments;

  3. Responsible for issuing financial statements and consolidated financial statements of subsidiaries within the scope of responsibilities, ensuring compliance with enterprise accounting standards and internal control management requirements;

  4. Responsible for the overall work, abnormal changes, monitoring the progress of clearance, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of assets, sorting out business pain points and difficulties, and proposing improvement suggestions for various outstanding items such as payables and prepayments in the financial accounting work within the scope of responsibilities.

  总账会计工作内容英文版 7

  1. Company accounting: Conduct accurate, timely, and complete collection of business records, including but not limited to inventory cost accounting, accounts receivable income accounting, etc;

  2. Asset management and accounting: Establish a ledger and work with relevant departments to verify fixed and current assets;

  3. Financial data preparation and archiving management: Assist in preparing the companys monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements, financial accounting vouchers, books, reports, tax reporting, export tax refund materials, and other classification and archiving management.

  4. Responsible for online payment and receipt operations of domestic and foreign banks;

  5. Logistics cost management: responsible for daily bill review and verification, as well as statistical analysis of logistics accounting costs

  总账会计工作内容英文版 8


  1. Complete daily accounting work for the store and prepare various statistical reports as required;

  2. According to the accounting system. Daily management of vouchers and accounting data archives;

  3. Responsible for reviewing, organizing, and compiling daily income, expenses, and reimbursement documents;

  4. Regularly prepare financial statements, provide relevant financial data, and assist in providing financial analysis.

  5. Complete all tasks assigned by superiors.

  Qualifications for the position:

  1. Around 30 years old, with strong communication skills. Has a sense of team spirit, strong sense of responsibility, and takes work seriously and responsibly.

  2. College degree or above, major in accounting, financial management or related fields, with accounting professional qualification certificate;

  3. More than two years of accounting work experience in the chain catering industry;

  4. Proficient in financial accounting processing;

  5. I have used financial software such as Kingdee and UFIDA;

  6. Strong communication skills,

  总账会计工作内容英文版 9


  1. Accurately and timely complete the accounting processing of the companys various income, costs, transactions, expenses, taxes, and other related financial subjects;

  2. Responsible for registering and verifying the companys fixed assets, intangible assets, and amortization expenses, calculating depreciation and amortization according to regulations, and establishing asset ledgers;

  3. Responsible for the accounting and management of R&D project expenses in the company, and completing monthly analysis of project expenses;

  4. Responsible for cost accounting management, ensuring that the accounts match the actual situation;

  5. Responsible for preparing accounting statements and corresponding detailed tables, and conducting budget and actual analysis;

  6. Other related work.

  Job requirements:

  1. Engaged in general ledger work for two years or more, with relevant work experience in preparing company financial statements;

  2. Familiar with Kingdee financial software operating system;

  3. Bachelors degree, junior professional title or above are preferred;

  4. Familiar with accounting standards and tax laws and regulations;

  5. Able to independently complete comprehensive accounting for value-added tax general taxpayers, proficient in financial knowledge and workflow;

  6. Work patiently, steadfastly, conscientiously and responsibly, and obey the arrangements of superiors;

  7. Proficient in using Excel and Word, familiar with financial analysis and other management work;

  8. Have a good awareness of financial risk prevention.

  总账会计工作内容英文版 10

  1. Familiar with current tax laws and proficient in import and export business operations

  2. Familiar with accounting processing procedures and accounting architecture systems, familiar with industrial enterprise operation processes and control processes

  3. Understand accounting processing, proficiently prepare accounting vouchers, review the rationality of original vouchers and accounting vouchers

  4. Regularly settle accounts and issue financial statements and expense analysis reports

  5. Able to coordinate relationships between various positions, possess communication, coordination, and management skills

  总账会计工作内容英文版 11

  1、 Responsible for accounting processing of various reports submitted by the cost department and relevant departments;

  2、 Review and prepare transfer vouchers for all original vouchers attached to the required transfer vouchers;

  3、 At the end of the month, responsible for verifying various inventory balances with the cost department and reconciling detailed accounts receivable balances with the credit department;

  4、 Complete monthly accounting report work

  5、 It is necessary to carefully review the original vouchers, including verifying whether the name, date, specifications, quantity, unit price, and amount of the original vouchers are complete, whether the content filled in the "receipt" is consistent with the requirements of the original vouchers, and verifying the legality of the bills and the signature of the responsible person. According to the principle of accrual accounting, truthfully reflect various accounting transactions such as payable but unpaid, accrued expenses, and hospitality expenses during the benefit period, and make timely accounting treatments.

  6、 Correctly use accounting subjects and subject numbers, with concise summaries, truthful and clear content, and accurate amounts.

  7、 Responsible for managing accounting archives for all accounting vouchers, books, and statements.

  8、 Fill out all tax declaration forms before the 7th day of the month and submit them to the financial manager for review.

  总账会计工作内容英文版 12

  1. Responsible for the overall accounting processing and review of the company, approving various types of accounts, ensuring that the total score, accounts, and actual accounts are consistent, and preparing various financial statements and related transaction reports required for the merger of parent and subsidiary companies;

  2. Responsible for timely and accurate handling of labor and expense accounting based on budget, expense control, review of labor, cost, and expense expenses, with a special focus on reviewing costs and inventory

  3. Responsible for reviewing the companys online banking fund payments and regularly verifying the accuracy of bank accounts

  4. Responsible for auditing, managing, and clearing various accounts receivable, payable, other receivables, and other payables. For those who fail to settle on time, the reasons should be identified, responsibilities should be clarified, and bad debts and doubtful accounts should be prevented from occurring

  5. Complete other tasks assigned by the leader

  总账会计工作内容英文版 13

  1、 Strengthen business learning, master relevant financial regulations and policies proficiently, and abide by national financial discipline. Strictly implement the schools financial management rules and regulations, and serve as a good "staff officer" for leaders.

  2、 According to the requirements of the national accounting system standards, various accounting books should be set up, and the input accounting data (accounting vouchers and original vouchers, etc.) should be reviewed in a timely manner. The output reports should be carefully checked.

  3、 Strictly control the scope and standards of expenses, distinguish funding channels, and use funds reasonably. Timely clear accounts receivable and payable. Regularly check fixed assets, teaching and other major equipment to ensure that the accounts match, the actual accounts match, and the accounts match.

  4、 Responsible for distributing salaries and allowances to school staff, and withholding and paying personal income tax in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Law.

  5、 Prepare the budget and final accounts, and complete the annual statistical work. The preparation of reports must ensure the authenticity of data, accurate calculations, complete content, timely submission, and must not be falsified.

  6、 Accounting vouchers, account books, financial statements, salary relationships, financial documents, etc. must be archived and bound regularly in accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Law. They must be properly kept and not destroyed at will. Take good care of the financial seal.

  7、 Assist in democratic financial management and accept democratic supervision.

  8、 When the general ledger accountant is transferred or resigns due to reasons, they must clearly explain the accounting vouchers, account book documents, and outstanding matters to the recipient, handle the transfer procedures, and be supervised by the Municipal Bureau of Finance and Economics and the school.

  9、 When higher-level authorities, audit, finance and other departments come to the school to understand the situation or inspect work, they are responsible for providing relevant information and truthfully reflecting the situation. Timely complete all tasks assigned by the municipal bureau.










